March is Women’s History Month

Over the years, The Junior League has had a profound effect on what it means to live in modern society. The League experience cultivates women into thoughtful and seasoned leaders and teaches them how to take on the toughest problems of the day and work collaboratively with all involved to arrive at pragmatic and sustainable solutions that have enhanced the quality of life in our culture.

By populating the pipeline of qualified leadership, they have enhanced the ability and expanded the capacity of agencies and institutions to care for the sick, the poor, the abused, the uneducated and the underrepresented. This is the gift the women of The Junior League have given to their communities and it is the message they have imprinted upon the world.

Among the many reforms in which The Junior League has played a role, either in name or behind the scenes, are:

  • Access to vaccinations for children
  • Education and provision of healthy food and nutrition for children
  • Securing the right to vote for women
  • Providing access to the arts
  • Advancing literacy for children and adults
  • Building awareness for the inadequacies of the justice system for adults and juveniles
  • Establishing museums for children
  • Legislation to secure safe drinking water
  • Awareness for the problem of alcohol abuse
  • Support for victims of domestic violence, human trafficking, and cyberbullying, and education of the public about the issue

Click the following link to learn more about the history of Junior League: